Sunday, July 22, 2007

Nothing to Share

My mind draws to a blank right now. Here's me trying to be creative in the photo taking department.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


July's a month of weddings, so I decided to go for a manicure and pedicure... for the first time ever....

Like all things temporal, the perfect lil' fingers and toes did not last a week, of course.

On my own and without having to pay any more, I did quite an alright job, methinks!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Etched in My Memory

It has been more than 4 years since I came back from England. Sometimes, when I think about it, I can't believe it has been so long and I've not really let go of life abroad.

Recently, I met some of my university friends and they really brought back memories. Some of them are still there, and secretly, I wish I had their life. Perhaps the saying "the grass is always greener on the other side" rings true, but having a life in England (or perhaps, more specifically, in Nottingham) was always something I think about constantly, when I get tired of being in this country, when I see things that aren't right or when I get so frustrated with where I am right now.

I also had to clean out the junk in my room recently, and found stuff I really should throw away. A lot of it came from Nottingham, and although I threw them away (well, nothing lasts forever), I did not want the memory of those things fade away. So I whipped up my good ol' digital camera (or rather, my lovable new tiny camera) and started shooting away.

I bought these at a tiny pharmacist at the end of Beeston Road... I can't remember what it was called but it was next to Argos and Wilkinsons... I think. Who can resist make up at 99p?

Postscript : I remember the pharmacist... it's called Burrows & Close.

Superdrug... my favourite drugstore.

Collections 2000 was the affordable brand for poor ol' students like I was...

I've not seen Kolor here before.. (it is definitely time for this bottle of stuff to be chucked away)

Boots had it's "No. 7" range which was ala Channel (well, to me at least). John (my housemate) gave this to me.

I bought this at les Champ-Elysees in Paris.

There are tonnes of other stuff which I may never chuck away due to sentimental reasons. These are only some of which I have to discard. They are all now junk but they symbolizes part of my life abroad.. a part which I'll always find ways to remember.