Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I Finally Did It

I finally decided to start an earring blog displaying and selling my creations. I've decided to label it Flutters, after the fluttering wings of a butterfly. Please visit and leave me your comments.

I'm really excited about this and it keeps me happy. Finally, I dared to venture into something other than something I'm comfortable with. There is a price to pay though... dark circles and eye bags under me eyes due to lack of sleep (Sobs!).

See, lawyers can be creative too. If you still have the perception of a lawyer as someone who speaks flawlessly, wears black rimmed serious glasses, always puts up her hair, always wears a crease-less suit and court shoes, looks for every opportunity to argue with you from the colour of the walls to what you should and should not eat... well, it's time to change that archaic perception. (Although, speaking flawlessly is something I wish I possess).

Hope you... yes, you reading this now... will visit Flutters and make me happy!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


Recently, I had a long conversation with a friend of 10 years and she told me off hand that she has noticed the negative, complaining postings lately. That gave me a rude awakening - she was right. I got to thinking and realized that there is a lot of negativity going on around me, most of which comes from the "island". The negativity caused the following (told ya I love making lists):-

  1. me noticing the stuff that bothers me more than usual (hence the complaints);
  2. me seeing good things as somehow bad;
  3. me not making an effort to see the good in things and people;
  4. hindrances from hearing from God although I really want to;
  5. me getting depressed (sobs);
  6. me sighing more than usual (sighs...).
This can't be good.

I made a promise to myself that my next posting (ie this one) shall be something good. I decided to make a list of things I like (and here goes another list):-

(1) My Mac

(2) Playing music (as best as I know how)

(3) Making cards (I have not bought a card since ages ago)

(4) Sleeping (I think Ashley agrees)

(5) Rocky!! (I hate it when I reach for the last stick so I always buy 2 boxes so that I can look forward to the next one... until I reach for the last stick of the next box...)

(6) Listening to music (to read what CD says, click on picture!)

(7) (Window) shopping

(8) My car (to drive myself shopping.. haha)

(9) Lilac anything

(10) And of course, making earrings (this one was custom made and has been sold)

Phew. Now that wasn't so bad, was it?

Oh yeah, to date, I've sold 5 pairs of earrings. Not bad for doing something for fun huh? Watch this space for more developments.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Something Dangly

It's late and I should be sleeping. But someone asked me to make a pair of earrings for someone else, so I went on a roll. What do you think?

I got this idea off some internet website. It wasn't easy!!! Especially since I don't have what they call a jig and I don't have sterling wire (they are really expensive!!). I chose aluminium wire so that they won't rust. I thought it was a rather novel idea, coz I don't often see wire earrings here.

I felt like making something brown. I'm not really satisfied with this though.. might change how this one looks.

Now, to bed.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Confessions of a Private Person

I do not appreciate invasion of space nor being taking for granted. I keep to my boundaries, so people should keep to theirs. This is me.

I just wish they'd respect my space as I've respected theirs. I wish they'd know better. If they didn't know, they should have asked. I wish they'd just leave me alone.

Now to think of a way to rebuke them, calmly, lovingly, straight to the point. This is what I do not like to do, but I cannot allow this and then quietly be depressed about it.

Sighs. Loud sighs.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Consider This

If only everyone thought about other people before they do anything. I was driving to SS18 one day and I had to pump my car tyres. There must be a million petrol stations along the journey but I've only managed to pump my car tyres after the 7th petrol station, because the air pumps at the first 6 stations either went bonkers or something was missing from the air pumps.

It can be 2 things - either these air pumps were badly maintained (which is likely the case) or people did not bother to take care of them (which is also likely). It's probably both. It infuriated me because it was such a simple errand I had to run but it became such a chore.

On another occasion, the tea lady went on a break for 10 days and in those 10 days, the pantry was filthy. Most did not bother to wash up (even their own measly mug which would take less than a minute) knowing that the tea lady ain't gonna be there to clean up after them. Sighs.

These could happen if we would spare a thought about other people more often:-
Less traffic because we would have kept to our lanes and not jump queues;Less "destroyed" public property, including air pumps at petrol stations and public phones;Church will be cleaner because we would pick up our (and other people's) rubbish from the floor and wherever else - AND we would not leave our bulletins lying on the chairs after service;Guests in church will always have food before the rest of us gobble everything up; No road blockages caused by someone who has double parked or parked almost into the middle of the road;No more mean bosses who pick on you just coz they are having a bad day;No more ringing tones from phones that were not silenced during church service, a movie in the cinema or meetings.It's a hard lesson but we have to learn it, for the sake of others.

On a different subject, something I felt like doing tonight.... (thanks for the encouraging input guys!)

Pink isn't my favourite colour so I would sell this to anyone who will take it.
Please leave a comment if you are interested.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

This is What I Might Do if I Quit Practice

In the past year, this is what I decided to do when I'm free or when I felt like it....

The first project. I was so pleased with myself that I decided, hey, this is great therapy for stress! Subsequently, I made a few others but gave it away as presents (for Ly, Esther, LiiT, Sam and some other people I cannot remember) so I don't have pictures of those.

The 2nd piece which I kept. These are shoulder sweepers.
(I love butterflies! No points for guessing my favourite colour.)

I realized I had tonnes of red clothes but no red earrings. In conjunction
with the recent Lunar New Year, I decided to make these.

I made these for Sweetie's nieces, because they liked the red ones
(and the butterflies) so much.

This happened recently when I was depressed for being in the island where everyone else is fleeing (Refer to the post before this one. By the way, I'm still struggling to pray for the king of the island).

One of my favourites! You can never go wrong with white.

I have not become enterprising all of a sudden (although part of me wish I had). I just figured that I should not have to keep paying for earrings of all shapes and colours when I can design and make my own (and choose whatever colour I like). But I could not be making earrings just for me, so I decided that I may want to either give them away as presents or sell them (the former will depend on whether I like the person I'm giving them to.... haha).

So, maybe I'll start selling them. Any thoughts?

For what it's worth, I love the idea of being able to do something other than legal practice. *big grin*

Monday, March 05, 2007

Changes in the Neighbourhood

My neighbours who used to live on the island where I am in are moving out. One by one, they've decided to move on to greener pastures. It's pretty depressing, especially after I've gotten to know them so much better. I am happy for them because the king of the island has been a pretty mean person. I disagree with the way they were treated. At the same time, it depresses me because they've left the neighbourhood empty and quiet. It's a strange feeling; glad but really sad.
