Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Word and Work

I disappeared for a bit because I was having writer's block and I didn't really have anything important or inspiring to write about. I have now.

The infamous recent young adult camp. The camp with the controversial labels and stigmas - it did not excite me that I was going for this camp (I packed the night before and it did not dawn upon me that I'm actually going away for the weekend - almost made plans to go out with friends) but I really wanted to hear from God. I was feeling uninspired and away from God and I really needed a kick from someone to buck up.

Labels aside, I learned a lot from camp. Here are a few things I've picked up (and apart from these, there are tonnes more!):-

1) Do not lose your life in making a career / do not settle for money rich, time poor

Here is where I am making a decision to go home by a certain time and not stay back to work when I don't need to. Our working culture has this funny way of making people feel guilty for not staying back late. That's nonsense and we have to fight that mentality because God did not intend for us to spend 16 hours a day in the office - it takes the whole purpose of work away.

2) We tend to disclose things God asks us to hide but hide things God tells us to disclose

This was like a whack in the head. How many times have we heard about people talking about how Christians give tithes, pray and fast. However, God says in Matthew 6:2-4, 6-8 and 16-18 says these are the things we are to do in private, ie people are not supposed to talk about these things. God says to tell other people about His great love, and yet, few people associate Christians with the sacrificial love of God.

3) There is an answer for everything pertaining to work in the Bible. We just need to grasp the principles and wrestle out the issues with God.

For example:-
a) decision making - Proverbs 12:15;
b) business planning - Proverbs 21:5;
c) hiring and firing - Proverbs 22:9;
d) partnerships - Amos 3:3;
e) bribery - Deuteronomy 16:18-20, Proverbs 17:23, Proverbs 18:6, Psalm 15:5.

4) We need to awaken our hearts desire for prayer

I need this one the most. I find it so difficult to shut out external distractions and just be with God. Here's what I need to do:-

a) Make efforts to be alone;
b) Shut out all noise and distractions;
c) Seek God and let Him find me (David Townsend said "If you stay still long enough, God will find you").

5) Learn to tolerate moral ambuity, ie do not be a moral police, be a witness

I really like this one. Our job is not to judge how others are living a life of sin (remember the plank in our own eye). However, God has called us to love people around us and be a witness for Him.

The camp was about making an impact for God at the workplace. It was amazing how it made me realize that God put me where I am for a reason. It's not just to make the money. It's not for the glamour (although a lot of people think it is, lawyers and non-lawyers alike). It's to make an impact for Him.

I thank God for a fresh start because I know I need to purpose in my heart to make this impact for Him. I still find it a struggle to tell my colleagues I can't go to lunch because I want to read the Bible. Or that I can't go for dinner with them on Friday because I have cell group. I am angry at myself because I struggle at all.

But, as God has been speaking to our church, we are to know He loves us. I am to know that He loves me, unconditionally, no matter what. It's such a simple statement, and any Christian would know that. But do we really know? If I did know, I would not go on a guilt trip every time I miss spending time with Him and because I feel guilty, I continue not to spend time with Him because I feel unworthy. But if I did truly know how much God loves me, I would forget about feeling guilty and let the past be past, and move forward enjoying quiet time (literally) with God. Because then, I would know that God does not hold grudges and loves us all the same anyway.

Knowing is hard work. But I thank God that He sees beyond my shortcomings and continues to love me the way He has loved me since forever. And I'm convinced that He will continue to love me and help me know and find my identity in Him.

RM12 for 2 bunches of dough